
A wheeled pedestrian chooses to…

  • travel by bicycle rather than by car for short, local trips.
  • travel by bicycle rather than on foot when it is quicker and more convenient to do so.
  • wear a helmet if it satisfies personal anxieties of real or perceived safety.
  • wear a helmet if it satisfies need for compliance with legal obligation.
  • ride a bicycle that provides maximum comfort and utility.
  • ride at a speed slow enough so as to arrive at destination cool and fresh.
  • ride in clothes suitable for intended purpose at destination.
  • ride slowly on the footpath (or any other compensatory behaviour) if it feels prudent to do so.
  • ride without feeling obliged to behave like a two-wheeled motorist.
  • enjoy the feeling of freedom that mobility as a wheeled pedestrian provides.

‘Cycling’ is sport and recreation. ‘Riding a bike’ is everyday activity. No sweat.


  1. Mark Bracy appears to not realize that sidewalk riding with or without a helmet is 3 to 9 times more dangerous than riding on the road by every study I have seen published. Our local mayor insisted that the sidewalks beside a major thoroughfare were perfect fro riding on. he did not seem to know the local law prohibits adults from riding on them. It is dangerous for those on bikes where tree branches, edges, cracks, driveways, and paths too narrow for two way traffic create hazards. He mentions countries where cycling is a larger portion of the travel choice, but does not point out that the separate infrastructure is bike specific and well designed. In the USA often bike infrastructure is often relabeled or redesigned sidewalks with intersection problems. The behavior that seems to be promoted by this site is both dangerous and irresponsible, and does not promote the idea that if infrastructure is to be built it should be done responsibly and separate from the sidewalks, or as defined in Europe the pavement. Those in other countries who have a bike culture would be appalled by this article. They respect the pedestrians too much to imply they should be intermixed in this fashion with pedestrians. The understanding would be that vehicles do not mix with pedestrians, but motor vehicles need to be restricted, such that it is safe for the bicycles, where separate infrastructure is not available. By restricting the motor vehicles you also get safer traffic patterns when bike or pedestrian paths cross the road. They also make a point to give preferential treatment to the slower and more vulnerable means of travel. This says to the public you will be OK on bikes, if you just stay out of the way of motor vehicles, and it is OK to mix it up with pedestrians just accept the idea that you will need to go really slow. This reduces the acceptance of bikes as vehicles and encourages the untrue concept they can be operated safely on sidewalks. Mark if you look for statistics instead of opinions you will find them. I know they may not agree with your opinion. Cycling is so safe it seems that you can form opinions that what you are doing is safe even when the risks are much higher than riding more safely on the road. It is similar to a drunk saying he would not have killed anyone, if the cyclist had not been on the road. His perception of safe is very self centered and lacks the view of the courts or statistics. Please be considerate of pedestrians and ride safely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jim,
      Yes indeed. Be considerate of pedestrians and ride safely.
      The original post includes the following…
      “ride slowly on the footpath if it feels prudent to do so”. Riding on the footpath is not ideal but until the city is made ‘bicycle friendly’, it is an option that will help #wheeledpedestrians to keep riding.


    2. On a foot path I am in control of my fate, whereas on the road I am at the mercy of motor vehicles coming up from behind and turning in front of me.

      Nearly every road journey I must take evasive actions, due to motor vehicles.

      Sharing the bus lanes with buses in Orks is foolhardy in my experience, they are too narrow to share in many places.

      Getting doored by parked car doors opening is a constant worry, and I have had some lucky escapes for sure.

      Sure some pedestrians may freak out and whinge for sharing their space, but I have yet to hit one in many hundreds of sidewalk kilometers.
      They may complain because they dont like sharing!
      Nearly every complaint has been from drinkers, smokers or such.
      Only a very few have ever complained to me, 99% are happy to share.
      Sometimes I’m on busy sidewalks with many pedestrians, travelling at speeds equivalent to a jogger.

      Are joggers okay?

      By my experience the foot paths are superior in terms of safety. The speed is lower, attention only focuses on driveways, shop doors, pedestrians and side streets.
      Fear of motor vehicles killing you is removed.

      Some Auckland roads are just plain awful to share with motor vehicles in terms of safety. Some are good, and then I will be on the road going faster.

      I really think this research [footpaths=danger] you quote is bollocks, by my first hand experiences.
      I ride nearly every day around Auckland central.

      Mostly on the road, but no qualms to ride the sidewalk if danger dictates it more prudent..


    3. For further objectivity:

      [Many] Groups of people walking abreast command more discomfort for pedestrians than a few cyclists, pedestrians are always jostling with each other for a lane…

      Oncoming pedestrians often engage in a subtle game of chicken and eye contact dominance.
      I as a cyclist always acquiesce to the pedestrians right of way. I have greater maneuverability so its no big deal for me.

      The only downside I can envisage is: most people are morons and may hit a walker.
      Or, maybe they just need some practice in sharing, like good little children should.

      Sharing is caring.


  2. Certain roads are highly hazardous, especially at rush hour, or at night.
    I ride the footpaths a lot, especially on inclines when I can toodle along in low gear.
    On descents, I hate to sacrifice earned altitude energy by braking at side streets or pedestrians, so generally hop on the roads for the downhill sections.
    Ponsonby Rd is one of my pet hates on the road, yet no cycleways are proposed atm, even though great north and k road are getting them soon.


What are your thoughts?